Meade LX200 - 10 inch SCT @ f/10 - ST402 guiding
SBIG ST8XME CCD Camera @ f/10
Luminance 6x10 minutes LBV (2006) - RGB 10:10:15 minutes San Diego (2008)
Processed using CCDOps-AIP4Win-Photoshop
M87 Galaxy Jet
Processed to reveal M87 Jet from the core using the same data as previous image
Kuhn Telescope M87 Galaxy Jet
Published on Astronomy Magazine's Picture of the Day
Enlarged (2x) and heavily processed to reveal faint inner details of the Jet from the core using
Little Blair Valley - San Diego City Limits
M87 Galaxy - Virgo
Orange County Astronomer's Observatory
M87 Galaxy - Virgo
(Click Image)
the OCA 22 inch Kuhn telescope
ST-8XME with AO-7 guiding LRGB: 6x10:1x10:1x10:1x10 minutes