Televue NP-101
San Diego City Limits
M42 - Orion's Sword
SBIG ST8XME CCD camera with CFW8 color filter
10x30 seconds Luminance Bin 1x1 - 3x60 sec each for RGB - bin 2x2
Processed using CCDOps - AIP4Win - PhotoShop CS3
Meade LX200 - 10 inch SCT
San Diego City Limits
M42 - Trapezium Region
SBIG ST8XME CCD camera with CFW8 color filter - AO-7 guiding
Prime Focus f/10 - 20x30 sec H-alpha - Bin 1x1 - 120:120:180 sec each for RGB - bin 2x2
Processed using CCDOps - CCDSharp - PhotoShop